Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Children Too Thin or Fat (Anak terlalu kurus atau gemuk)

Kurus atau gemuk bukanlah indikasi mutlak sehat tidaknya seorang anak. Namun, jika anak anda terlalu kurus atau terlalu gemuk, ada langkah untuk menjaga agar si kecil tetap sehat.

As a parent, of course, children who are obese, healthy, and agile look adorable.Especially if children are not fussy about eating. You also must be happy if the children eat food with gusto.

Unfortunately, not all children equal. There are children who love to eat, and there are children who have difficulty eating. There are children who are obese and there was a skinny child. Children who are too thin can be caused by heredity and disease. If the child looks too thin, make sure that you do not suffer from an illness. You can improve the diet of children by providing nutritious food intake and balanced and pretty.

Way, serve food that is more varied, both in terms of taste, and form. That way, kids will not get bored with the food. You also need to adjust the amount of food the child with the activities done.

On the other hand, obesity can be caused by several factors. Among them is excessive given nutrition and heredity. For information, children who are obese may experience disturbances in motor development. Even the social problems can be triggered by obesity. Therefore, obese children who feel less confident with her body.

So, if children are obese, you can rearrange the child's menu. For example, by adding portions of vegetables and eggs, tofu, or tempeh are high in protein. Reduce child snacks that contain high levels of salt and high calories.

To stimulate the child's activity, invite children to exercise regularly to burn calories. If the child does not like sports like jogging, you can invite children to do sports games, such as rounders, badminton, or basketball. If the child is less interested, take the kids walk in the park. Keep all children from video games and watch television too often, because these activities can minimize body movement.

Thin or fat is not an absolute indication of whether or not a child healthy. However, if your child is too skinny or too fat, there are steps to keep your baby stay healthy.

from 26 June 2011 edition of Kompas

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gold Coat Tree Kangaroo

Kangaroo animal was not only living on the mainland. There is also a kangaroo who likes to live in trees. His name is gold coat tree kangaroo or Dendrolaguspulcherrimus. This animal is an animal or animals typical endemic region of Papua.

Coat tree kangaroo gold was discovered in 2005 in the Torricelli Mountains, PapuaNew Guinea. Then, also found in the Foja mountains, Papua, Indonesia. These animalsbelong to a new large mammal for Indonesia.

This animal has a characteristic short fine hair is light brown on his body. However, inthe neck, cheeks, and all four legs yellowish. While the underside of the belly is paler in color with two golden line on his back. Its tail has a light-colored circles.

Gold coat tree kangaroos belong to the category most at risk of extinction. Therefore,these animals have become extinct in some parts of its original habitat.

Penguin of the Antartic

Antarctica is a continent largely ice-covered year-round place. Yet there are still some animals that can survive there, such as penguins.

Various types of penguins found on the continent of Antarctica. Starting from Adeliepenguins, emperor penguins, king penguins up. It is not surprising that eventually the Antarctic continent as a continent called Penguin. Well, in the film Penguins of theAntarctic, is discussed in detail the lives of animals that are cute and adorable.

When the temperature is below 50 degrees, the female penguins lay their eggs. Theyimmediately gave their eggs to the male penguin. While the stem into the ocean in search of food and will return when spring arrives. The male is in charge of incubatingits eggs in the dark, high winds, and without food. Until it's time when the sun comes up. The eggs hatch and the mother returned to the family brought the food.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Body Affect Brain

Jika kita melatih otak, kita akan mempengaruhi tubuh secara positif. jika kita melatih tubuh, kita akan mempengaruhi otak secara positif. Itulah kutipan kata-kata dari seorang pakar otak dunia, yaitu Tony Buzan.

If we train the brain, we will positively affect the body. if we train the body, we willpositively affect the brain. That quote the words of a world brain expert, that is TonyBuzan.

At the end of the twentieth century, human beings discover a surprise that the brain is actually closely related to the body. Over the last two centuries of intellectual andphysical activities have been separated by a large separation concept.

We will try to reunite the two parts so that it strengthens the relationship between brainand body active.

Here is the data or the results of research scientists on the effects of brain exerciseson the human body.
- Many people healed "miraculously" from a serious illness.
- You can affect the body processes work "automatically".
- Statistical Bureau estimates that U.S. companies lose $ 3 billion a year due tonegative attitudes and behaviors in the workplace.
- The brain is so powerful that it can form the muscles get bigger just by thinking about it.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Research find way to watch words formed in brain


Scientists have discovered a way to watch words form in the human brain in a breakthrough that could one day allow those with severe disabilities to 'speak'.

Using electrodes they found the area of the brain that is involved in creating the sounds. They then discovered that each of these sounds has its own signal which they believe could eventually allow a computer program to read what people want to say by the power of their thoughts.

The mind-reading research was undertaken by a team from the centre for Innovation in Neuroscience and Technology at the University of Washington, led by is director, Eric Leuthardt.

They studied four people who suffered from severe epilepsy who each had 64 electrodes implanted into their heads. The original reason for this was an attempt to try to find the cause of their epilepsy but Leuthardt also monitored the areas of the brain where speech is formed.

The subjects were asked to make four repeated sounds - 'oo', 'ah', 'eh', and 'ee'.

The team then monitored the Wenicke's and Broca's areas of the brain for signals related to speech formation.

The scientists were then able to pick out the corresponding electrical signals, and while these four signals will not be enough to form sentences, further research could lead to this becoming possible.

"I'm not going to say that I can fully read someone's mind. Icant'. But I have evidence now that it is possible," Leuthardt said.

During his study, Leuthardt also found that the brain generates a signal when people just thingk about the sounds. This has led to the implication that doctors could one day read people's private thoughts as well as what they want to say.

The research was published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stars Explode Near Milky Way

Last observed supernova in M51, occurred in 2005.

A new star is detected by some amateur astronomers from France. He was detectedin the monitoring of PTF Sky Survey, conducted between May 31 until June 1 and be in arm's close neighbor galaxy, the M51.

This phenomenon has also been documented by the new equipment owned by MartinKraar Obesrvatory at the Weizmann Institute, and also owned Wise Observatory TelAviv University in Mitzspe Ramon, Israel.

Now the star who emerged as a result of supernova explosions is being studied by ateam of international researchers, including from Israel, the United States, Britain,Canada and other countries.

Prior to this, the last supernova observed in M51, a galaxy located 26 million light-years from Earth, occurs in 2005. Quoted from the Daily Galaxy, June 8, 2011, a supernova is estimated to appear around 1 time in 100 years in any galaxy.

Frequent phenomenon that occurs in the M51 supernovae can be explained from theinteraction with other galaxies that are very close. This closeness led to the formation of giant stars become increasingly faster.

Due to the rapid process of massive star formation, there is also accelerating the destruction of very large stars that give rise to a supernova explosion.

2 Black Hole Discovered at Center of Galaxy

A galaxy is known to have giant black holes turned out to have two black holes.

Of a further study, astronomers found that Markarian 739, a galaxy which is about 425 million light years from Earth towards the constellation Leo has not only a giant black hole, but two black holes at the center of the galaxy.

The presence of this second galaxy by the Swift satellite detected the dam Chandra X-Ray Observatory NASA.

Although both the black hole at the center of the galaxy, both separated by a distance of about 11 thousand light years or about one-third the distance of our solar system with the center of our galaxy. As an illustration, one light year is about 10 trillion kilometers.

Second black hole found was also a very active black holes and into the classification of 'supermassive' meaning, each has a mass equal to millions or even billions of times the mass of stars like our sun.

In fact, the usual black hole formed by collapse of giant stars measuring only 10 to 20-fold compared with the mass of the Sun.

"At the center of most of the giant galaxies, including the Milky Way, is a supermassive black hole that weighs millions of times more than the mass of the Sun," Michael Koss, researchers from NASA, as quoted from Space, June 11, 2011."Some of them emit radiation billions of times more energy than the Sun," he said.

However, Koss said, although the supermassive black hole is a common phenomenon that is present in the center of the galaxy, not all black holes emit radiation energy is called the 'active galactic nuclei (AGN). "Therefore, get a giant black hole actively extremely rare. Moreover, find two giant black holes in one galaxy, "he said.

Astronomers suspect that this pair of supermassive black holes are formed when a galaxy is destroyed.

"If two galaxies collide, and each has a supermassive black hole, there is a possibility that the two black holes become active as an AGN," says Richard Mushotzky, another researcher from the University of Maryland

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kapan Anak Bisa Memulai Kebiasaan Membaca ?

Belajar bahasa merupakan proses alami dalam 4 tahun pertama kehidupan anak.
- 6 bulan pertama bayi berceloteh dengan menggunakan kombinasi 150 buni yang sama di seluruh dunia (menangisnya sama).
- Bayi akan belajar berbicara dengan menggunakan bunyi-bunyian atau bahasa ang ditangkap di lingkungan tempat ia berada.
- Sejak lahir, bayi sudah berusaha meniru gerak bibir orangtuanya atau membaca bahasa bibir

Jadi sesungguhnya, anak sudah siap untuk diajak "membaca" sejak usia 00-4 tahun, dimulai dari tahap yang paling sederhana yaitu mendengar cerita dan melihat gambar pada buku. Penelitian sendiri menunjukkan bahwa, intelektualitas anak sudah berkembang lebih cepat dari yang kita duga.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Other benefits of cucumber

Cucumber widely known as the medicine to lower high blood pressure, help fight acne and puffiness around the eyes. High water content makes cucumbers can help quench the thirst.
Nonetheless, there are still other benefits that many may not khow. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) contains 0,65% protein, 0,1% fat and 2,2% carbohydrate.
It's flesh contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. While the seeds contain alkoloid of hypoxanty type, which can treat intestinal worms.
Cucumbers are also rich in fiber which is useful in launching bowel movements, lower cholesterol, and neutralize toxins.

Manfaat lain dari mentimun

Mentimun banyak dikenal sebagai obat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, membantu mengatasi jerawat dan bengkak disekitar mata. Kandungan airnya yang tinggi membuat timun bisa menjadi penghapus dahaga.
Walaupun begitu masih ada manfaat lain yang mungkin belum banyak yang mengetahuinya. Mentimun atau Cucumis sativus mengandung 0,65% protein, 0,1% lemak dan 2.2% karbohidrat.
Daging buahnya mengandung kalsium, zat besi, magnesium, fosforus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 dan vitamin C. Sedangkan bijinya mengandung racun alkoloid jenis hipoxanti, yang bisa mengobati cacingan.
Mentimun juga kaya akan serat yang berguna melancarkan buang air besar, menurunkan kolesterol, dan menetralkan racun.

Lack of sleep may lead to gaining weight: Study

Sleep deprivation makes the day drag and appears to put a drag on metabolism too, causing the body to use less energy, according to a European study.
The results, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, add to evidence that sleep loss can promote weight gain - not just by boosting hunger but also by slowing the rate at which calories are burned.
"Our findings show that one night of sleep deprivation acutely reduces energy expenditure in healthy men, which suggests sleep contributes to the acute regulation of daytime energy expenditure in humans," said Christian Benedict of Uppsala University in Sweden, who led the study.
Previous studies have linked sleep deprivation with weight gain and also shown how disrupted sleep also disrupts levels of stress - and hunger-related hormones during waking hours.
To help identify the exact mechanisms by which a lack of sleep might have these effects, Benedict and his colleagues put 14 male university students through a series of sleep "conditions" -- curtailed sleep, no sleep, and normal sleep -- over several days, then measured changes in how much they ate, their blood sugar, hormone levels and indicators of their metabolic rate.
They found that even a single night of missed sleep slowed metabolism the next morning, reducing energy expenditure for tasks like breathing and digestion by 5% to 20%, compared with the morning after a good night's sleep.
The young men also had higher morning levels of blood sugar, appetite-regulating hormones such as ghrelin, and stress hormones such as cortisol after sleep disruption.
Still, the sleep loss did not boost the amount of food the men consumed during the day.

Kurang Tidur bisa menambah berat badan

Kurang tidur membuat hari terasa berat dan mengganggu metabolisme, menyebabkan tubuh menggunakan lebih sedikit energi, menurut sebuah studi di Eropa.
Hasil studi yang dilaporkan dalam American Journal of Clinical Nutrition tersebut mengatakan bahwa kurang tidur dapat menambah berat badan - tidak saja dengan cara meningkatkan rasa lapar namun juga dengan memperlambat pembakaran kalori.
"Temuan kami menunjukkan bahwa satu malam kurang tidur akut mengurangi pengeluaran energi pada pria sehat, yang menunjukkan tidur berkontribusi pada pengeluaran energi di siang hari pada manusia," kata ketua peneliti Christian Benediktus dari Universitas Uppsala di Swedia.
Dalam studinya, Benediktus menempatkan 14 mahasiswa pria melalui beberapa 'kondisi tidur' yang berbeda, yaitu kurang tidur, tidak tidur sama sekali dan tidur normal. Penelitian dilakukan beberapa hari, lalu di ukur dalam hal berapa banyak mereka makan, gula darah, kadar hoemon, dan indikator tingkat metabolisme.
Mereka menemukan bahwa kurang tidur semalam saja bisa memperlambat metabolisme di pagi berikutnya, mengurangi pembakaran energi untuk sehari-hari seperti bernafas dan proses pencernaan antara 5 % sampai 20 %, dibandingkan dengan cukup tidur.
Kdar gula darah lebih tinggi, begitu juga kadar hormon yang berhubungan dengan nafsu makan seperti ghrelin dan hormon stres seperti kortisol di pagi harinya. Namun, kurang tidur tidak meningkatkan jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi di siang hari.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Info about bees (info tentang lebah)

On average, about 60-70 thousand bees live in a nest. Although thepopulation is so dense, bees are able to perform the work in a planned and organized neatly.

A bee colony, usually consisting of worker bees, males and queens.Virtually worker bees do all the tasks in the hive. Since at birth, theworker bees immediately started working, and long life, theyperform various tasks alternated in accordance with the process ofdevelopment that occurred in their bodies. They spent the first three days of their lives with a clean nest.
Cleanliness is very important for a healthy hive of bees and larvae in the colony. Worker bees remove all excess material present in the nest. We met insect intruders who could not afford them out of thenest, they kill him first. Then they wrapped him in a way resemblesembalming corpses. What's interesting here is the preservation ofthese bees use a special material called "propolis". Propolis is anexcellent material because of its anti-bacterial so it is best used aspreservative.


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