Sunday, June 5, 2011

Info about bees (info tentang lebah)

On average, about 60-70 thousand bees live in a nest. Although thepopulation is so dense, bees are able to perform the work in a planned and organized neatly.

A bee colony, usually consisting of worker bees, males and queens.Virtually worker bees do all the tasks in the hive. Since at birth, theworker bees immediately started working, and long life, theyperform various tasks alternated in accordance with the process ofdevelopment that occurred in their bodies. They spent the first three days of their lives with a clean nest.
Cleanliness is very important for a healthy hive of bees and larvae in the colony. Worker bees remove all excess material present in the nest. We met insect intruders who could not afford them out of thenest, they kill him first. Then they wrapped him in a way resemblesembalming corpses. What's interesting here is the preservation ofthese bees use a special material called "propolis". Propolis is anexcellent material because of its anti-bacterial so it is best used aspreservative.

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