Ibn Taymiyyah
Kemampuan beliau dalam menuntut ilmu sudah terlihat sejak kecil, terutama kemampuan mudah hafal dan sukar lupa, wajar bila dalam usia muda, ia telah hafal Al-Qur'an.
His ability in studying've seen since childhood, especially the ability to easily memorize and difficult to forget, only natural in a young age, he had memorized the Qur'an. Especially since childhood, he lived and grew up in the middle of the scholars, so as to have the opportunity to drink in the park reading heart's content in the form of books that are useful. He used all his time to study and learn.
Once, when he was a kid there was a great scholar of Halab (an other cities in Syria now) who accidentally comes into Damasyiq, specifically to see the boy named Ibn Taymiyyah that his intelligence became a byword. After the meeting, he gave a test with a matan hadith how to deliver a dozen at once. It turned out that Ibn Taymiyyah was able to memorize quickly and accurately. Until the cleric said: "If the child is alive, surely he later had a great position, because there has never been a kid like him."
B.J. Habibie
Anak kelahiran bangsa ini yang boleh dibilang sangat jenius, Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dr. Sc. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie lahir tanggal 25 Juni 1936 di Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan
Only a few children born in this nation that arguably is a genius. one of them is Prof.Dr. -Ing. Dr. Sc. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born on June 25, 1936 at Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He was just a year studying at ITB Bandung, 10 years of college to a doctorate aircraft construction in Germany with Summa Cum Laude predicate, then worked in the aircraft industry leading MBB Gmbh Germany.
In the early 1960s, when the accident aircraft still often occurs because of damage to the unheralded construction. Came the young genius who just 32 years trying to offer solutions. Posture of small but highly energetic demeanor. Habibie, who later discover how it works krack propagation point. The calculations are quite detailed, until the count of atoms. By the aviation world, the theory Habibie was then called the crack progression. From here dubbed as Mr. Habibie. Crack.

His ability in studying've seen since childhood, especially the ability to easily memorize and difficult to forget, only natural in a young age, he had memorized the Qur'an. Especially since childhood, he lived and grew up in the middle of the scholars, so as to have the opportunity to drink in the park reading heart's content in the form of books that are useful. He used all his time to study and learn.
Once, when he was a kid there was a great scholar of Halab (an other cities in Syria now) who accidentally comes into Damasyiq, specifically to see the boy named Ibn Taymiyyah that his intelligence became a byword. After the meeting, he gave a test with a matan hadith how to deliver a dozen at once. It turned out that Ibn Taymiyyah was able to memorize quickly and accurately. Until the cleric said: "If the child is alive, surely he later had a great position, because there has never been a kid like him."
B.J. Habibie

Only a few children born in this nation that arguably is a genius. one of them is Prof.Dr. -Ing. Dr. Sc. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born on June 25, 1936 at Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He was just a year studying at ITB Bandung, 10 years of college to a doctorate aircraft construction in Germany with Summa Cum Laude predicate, then worked in the aircraft industry leading MBB Gmbh Germany.
In the early 1960s, when the accident aircraft still often occurs because of damage to the unheralded construction. Came the young genius who just 32 years trying to offer solutions. Posture of small but highly energetic demeanor. Habibie, who later discover how it works krack propagation point. The calculations are quite detailed, until the count of atoms. By the aviation world, the theory Habibie was then called the crack progression. From here dubbed as Mr. Habibie. Crack.
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