tindakan pertama adalah menegurnya, lalu ajaklah berbincang-bincang dengan topik pembicaraan yang berfokus pada cara memperbaiki kesalahan yang terjadi. Mintalah pendapat anak untuk mendukung pencarian solusi dan beri tahu konsekuensi yang terjadi bila dia terus berbohong.
berhentilah menakut-nakuti si anak. Bila anda menyadari si kecil sedang berbohong, jangan menakut-nakutinya dengan beragam ancaman. Cara ini justru membuat anak malah tertekan dan semakin menutupi kebohongannya.
berikan pernyataan bahwa anda senang bila anak mau jujur dan bercerita langsung apa adanya kepada anda. Niscaya si buah hati akan lebih mempercayai anda sebagai teman bercerita.
It is not easy to face the lies of children, but that does not mean it is difficult to start reducing these bad habits. Many psychology literature informs that a good solution in communicating with children is invited to discuss.
If your child feels afraid and anxious because of mistakes made, it must not be angry and overreact. Take a deep breath and try to think logically.
Preferably, the first action is a reprimand, and then invite a conversation with the subject that focuses on how to fix errors that occur. Ask the children to support the search for a solution and let me know the consequences that occurred when he continued to lie.
Then, do not directly accuse the child and punish too hard. Other actions are also not good for your baby is when you are continually insinuated mistakes or bad deeds he has done. This would likely lure a child to lie back.
Another positive way you can do is not to demand action from your children in great detail at a time. It can make children depressed and anxious. Try asking the baby to take action one by one until finished, then give a compliment.
The next step, stop scaring the children. When you realize your child is lying, do not frighten him with a variety of threats. This method makes the child even more distressed and covered his lies.
Instead, give a statement that you are happy when children want to be honest and tell you directly what it is to you. Surely the baby will be more to trust you as a friend told me.
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