Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Body Affect Brain

Jika kita melatih otak, kita akan mempengaruhi tubuh secara positif. jika kita melatih tubuh, kita akan mempengaruhi otak secara positif. Itulah kutipan kata-kata dari seorang pakar otak dunia, yaitu Tony Buzan.

If we train the brain, we will positively affect the body. if we train the body, we willpositively affect the brain. That quote the words of a world brain expert, that is TonyBuzan.

At the end of the twentieth century, human beings discover a surprise that the brain is actually closely related to the body. Over the last two centuries of intellectual andphysical activities have been separated by a large separation concept.

We will try to reunite the two parts so that it strengthens the relationship between brainand body active.

Here is the data or the results of research scientists on the effects of brain exerciseson the human body.
- Many people healed "miraculously" from a serious illness.
- You can affect the body processes work "automatically".
- Statistical Bureau estimates that U.S. companies lose $ 3 billion a year due tonegative attitudes and behaviors in the workplace.
- The brain is so powerful that it can form the muscles get bigger just by thinking about it.

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