Saturday, July 2, 2011

Immediately lighten the darkness (Segeralah terangi kegelapan)

"Siapa yang bisa menandingimu wahai anak cucu Adam dalam hal bertaubat? Engkau bisa datang ke mihrab kapanpun engkau mau, untuk menghadap Tuhanmu. Tak ada apapun yang membatasi antara dirimu dan Tuhanmu. Tak ada perantara. Tak ada penterjemah." (Bakr bin Abdillah Al Muzani)

"Who can menandingimu O son of Adam in terms of repentance? You can come to thesanctuary whenever you want, to face your Lord. There is nothing that limits between you and your Lord. There is no intermediary. There was no translator." (Bakr binAbdillah Al Muzani)

"Do not step on the road of despair. In nature unfold immense hope. Do not go towardthe darkness. In nature there are a lot of light ....". That sentence was written large on ablackboard by a cleric. Before you write a beautiful message that told a student asked."O Shaykh, if you are no longer with us, what words can we hold to successfullyundergo this life?"

May Allah unite our hearts still, O my brother,
Symbol of helplessness and despair is the dark symbol of heresy. In life, there weresome people who are more likely preoccupied with despair, disappointment and lost hope. Although if you want, he can get a lot of circumstances that made himoptimistic, excited and hopeful. Apparently, there is also a group of people who tend to be engrossed in the dark. Although if you want, he can actually find out how widespread life and how much light that can illuminate the path before him. People who'd given up hope and would rather exist in the dark is a group of people who did not feel happy and wonderful life.

Ibn al-Qayyim's very simple to give an answer about the source of happiness, "God".People who already have the secret of happiness is, according to Ibn al-Qayyim, willbe king in the world and the Hereafter. In the world, the man hastened on by God to obtain earthly paradise, and in the hereafter God provide heaven hereafter. "His heartlooked, indigence is a fortune while he was with God. Looking at the wealth thatpauperism when she was not with God. The glory was contemptible without God.Abjection is glorious with God. Adzab without God's Pleasure. Adzab it favors with God. In conclusion he did not see life except with Allah. They are the ones who haveto get two heaven. heaven in the world to hasten God when he lived in the world andparadise in the afterlife that awaits him. "(Nafa Al-5is Fawaidh/202)

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