Sebuah penelitian menyebutkan bahwa mengucapkan kata pada saat anak belajar membaca tidak perlu dilakukan. Sebaiknya, mereka lebih diarahkan untuk mengingat dan menyimpan kosakata tersebut di otak.
A research states that the word when children learn to read is not necessary. Instead,they are more geared to remember and store the vocabulary in the brain.
That study presented Dr. Brian Thompson from Victoria University and ProfessorClaire Fletcher-Flinn of the University of Otago College of Education. They presentthis research in the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA)Conference-17. The conference was held in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Both researchers are doing some research on methods of reading this. The study was conducted on children and students in several countries. One study conducted in children aged 6 years in Scotland, UK.
They are taught to read by saying it has flaws. Their reading speed is slower thanNew Zealand children who use a centralized approach to the book. Weakness was also seen in students who in his childhood learning to read by saying the word. Their ability is very less when reading new vocabulary or foreign.
To overcome this, the two researchers together opinions. Instead, since the beginningteachers to use other methods so that children can memorize vocabulary.
That study presented Dr. Brian Thompson from Victoria University and ProfessorClaire Fletcher-Flinn of the University of Otago College of Education. They presentthis research in the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA)Conference-17. The conference was held in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Both researchers are doing some research on methods of reading this. The study was conducted on children and students in several countries. One study conducted in children aged 6 years in Scotland, UK.
They are taught to read by saying it has flaws. Their reading speed is slower thanNew Zealand children who use a centralized approach to the book. Weakness was also seen in students who in his childhood learning to read by saying the word. Their ability is very less when reading new vocabulary or foreign.
To overcome this, the two researchers together opinions. Instead, since the beginningteachers to use other methods so that children can memorize vocabulary.
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