lantaran sifatnya yang nirkabel, memang menjadi nilai tambah yang patut dipertimbangkan. Akan tetapi, para pengguna juga sebaiknya berhati-hati terhadap "ancaman virtual" yang dikhawatirkan dapat menembus jaringan wifi.
langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjaga jaringan wifi.
salah satunya adalah sedapat mungkin meletakkan antena router wifi di bagian tengah bangunan atau ruangan. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar sinyal wifi tidak sampai keluar rumah maupun ruangan yang hal ini dikhawatirkan malah menjadi celah pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
because its wireless, it's an added value to consider. However, users should also beware of "virtual threat" which is feared could penetrate the wifi network.
Therefore, a special home users, there are at least three steps can be taken to keep the wifi network.
The first is as far as possible put the wifi router's antenna in the center of the building or room. This meant that the wifi signal not to leave the house or room that it is feared even a gap of irresponsible parties.
For the record, is simply a router is a "bridge" that connects two or more networks and serve to see the destination address through which the various data packets and choose where the packet should be sent.
The next step is to use a wireless encryption protocol (WEP) whose function is to encrypt communications on wireless networks wifi. Encryption is the process of scrambling data so it can only be read by certain parties. In some of the encryption process, the user must include a key to unlock encrypted data.
The final step is to set the router to be able to identify and open up internet connection to the device only has access, which it called a Service Set Identifier (SSID). Thus, the wifi network can still be sheltered and your own can be more comfortable while surfing in cyberspace.
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